Vlado Savic

Full-Stack Web Developer based in Serbia with more than three years of professional experience in web development.

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Hello! I'm a software developer based in Serbia, studying and finishing my bachelor's degree in computer science. I have more than three years of professional experience as a full-stack web developer. I am passionate about creating dynamic and engaging user experiences using cutting-edge technologies and innovative designs.


I've mainly worked with technologies in the web development world.

  • React

    Experiece with React.js

  • Javascript

    Experience with vanilla Javascript

  • TypeScript

    Experience with TypeScript

  • NodeJS

    Experience with Node.js

  • AWS

    EC2 for virtual servers, Route 53 for domain management, S3 for static file hosting and CloudFront for content delivery optimization.

  • MongoDB

    Experience with MongoDB

  • HTML

    Experience with HTML5

  • CSS

    Experience with CSS,SCSS, Styled components, Tailwind

  • jQuery

    Experience with jQuery

Notable Projects

Leadec PWA

The client wanted us to use jQuery for this project so they could handle future maintenance on their own. I set up basic lifecycle hooks and used tools like webpack and plugins to manage HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files. I also configured Keycloak for identity management. To enable offline functionality for this application, we implemented DexieDB to locally store data. Subsequently, we synchronized this data with a remote server, ensuring transaction properties.I played a key role in communication between the client and our three-person team. I created tasks, worked on the business logic with the client, and coordinated the team to make sure everything ran smoothly.

  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap

    Rain Portal

    I led the development of a weather visualization project, leveraging technologies such as Mapbox GL to create an interactive map featuring pinpoint locations and weather stations. This dynamic map allowed users to explore weather conditions at specific times, toggle between heatmap views for rainfall, and access detailed information through popups associated with the weather stations. Utilizing Redux and Recharts, I implemented the backend data integration, enabling the seamless display of comprehensive weather data through intuitive and visually appealing charts. Used Node.js to feed data from external API services to our frontend. Implemented end to end login and authorization system using technologies such as JWT for secure authentication

    • React
    • Node.js
    • Mapbox

      BULB Stduios

      Independently implemented headless content management system from Wordpress to Next.js using GraphQL as data query to create custom reusable UI/UX patterns. Employed WordPress plugins such as Custom Post Types, Advanced Custom Fields, and WP GraphQL to enhance data management capabilities. Leveraged Next.js, Chakra UI, and Sass to create aesthetically pleasing custom user interface. Implemented Typescript for type safety and integrated Redux for efficient state management. Utilized Vercel for the seamless deployment of the website, ensuring optimal performance and accessibility

      • Next.js
      • Wordpress
      • GraphQL
      • ChakraUI


        Developed and maintained a web-based warehouse management application using JavaScript and Node.js, aimed at optimizing inventory tracking and commissioning processes.Implemented QR code scanning technology to automate commissioning checks, reducing errors and ensuring accurate order fulfillment. Additionally, seamlessly integrated third-party shipping APIs into the system to automate the generation of shipping labels and streamline the entire shipping process. Collaborated on parsing and generating CSV and EDI files tailored to specific spedition companies, ensuring seamless communication and compatibility. Ensured a secure and controlled user experience by implementing role-based access controls, allowing for granular control over the application's views based on the user's role.

        • jQuery
        • Node.js
        • PHP

          WoW Companion App

          I developed full-stack application using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack to handle data across the entire application. The project involved the integration of third-party services for consuming, manipulating, storing, and displaying data, ensuring a robust and dynamic user experience.On the frontend, I crafted a responsive and performant user interface using Vite as the build tool, Tailwind CSS for styling, and a router for navigation within the application. I implemented authorization system that included the utilization of technologies such as JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure authentication and bcrypt for password hashing. This security measure extended across both the frontend and backend, ensuring protective layer for sensitive data.

          • MongoDB
          • Express
          • React
          • Node

          Post Client

          Project for automated post office in Germany. User can write or upload his letter with this app and add receivers to the letter which will be printed out in the storage room of the client. User also has the options to add money to his balance or withdraw, because he is able to pay immediately for his orders. Integration backend api calls with frontend, also integration with the Identity Provided for the login. Integration of the PAYONE with the project.

          • React
          • TypeScript
          • Azure DevOps